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Understanding Laszlo Hudec

Shanghai Architect

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Hietkamp book on Laszlo Hudec

Laszlo Hudec and the Park Hotel in Shanghai

To purchase, please contact the publisher:

FOCUSING ON THE design and construction of Shanghai’s Park Hotel, and the the life
of its Hungarian architect Lazlo Hudec, Lenore Hietkamp brings to life one of the
most fascinating and formative periods in the city’s modern history.  Through
Hudec’s masterful design contributions and influences, and through his associations
with an elite set of local businessmen, Shanghai rapidly became a thoroughly
international entrepot, its skyline rivalling that of Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro,
Sydney, and others on the outer edges of the lucrative European ocean trade routes
between the Great Wars.

--Martin Segger M.Phil., F.C.M.A., F.R.S.A., Senior Research Associate,
Centre for Global Studies at University of Victoria, Past President and Acting
President pro tem., Commonwealth Association of Museums.

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